It Is Finished

Published on 18 October 2024 at 11:22

It is Finished 

He was stripped and whipped with 39 lashes to the back for well over 39 times that I chose selfishly to act.

He disregarded His own life, unselfishly laying it down displaying to me now the greatest love of all and how to properly answer the heavenly call.

The thorns pierced and wrapped around with blood trickling down. 

It was a crown fit for a King, setting me free from every intrusive thought and demonic dream. 

My mind is washed clean, in line with the divine where time is not a thing. 

Alleviating anything deviating from the things above such as what is pure, just, and fully love.

He was hung nailed to the cross, naked and bearing my shame. 

Removing the evil intention that matches any description of what I did and who I became, setting me free to my true identity so that I’ll never be the same.

 It is finished, my soul is acquitted, submitted and replenished. 

The darkness diminished, infiltrated by His marvelous light, redirecting my steps and correcting my sight. 

He sets eternity in my heart with a work in me that’s art, painting a picture from scripture with this unique and distinct fixture enlightened by His glory with no mixture.

 It’s none of me, just the Son in me with the Holy Spirit revealing what He’s done in me. 

Through His finished work on the cross. 

Thank You Jesus.

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