Who Am I?

Let me start off with who I was. I was a liar, thief, manipulator, IV drug user, convicted felon. I was full of anger as an adolescent that was masked by cutting up at school and getting into trouble. I was rebellious and spiteful which led to drinking and using drugs as a teenager that progressed into full blown addiction. I hated rejection yet I rejected and disrespected those who genuinely cared for me and wanted to help me. I had no dreams, aspirations, or plans for my future. I was lost. Which only led me deeper into the darkness of addiction with IV drug use. And that’s where Jesus met me. In the middle of my mess. With needle marks up and down my arms, being tormented and attacked by evil telling me to kill myself, in came Jesus with His holy angels and I was filled with the Holy Spirit. Single greatest moment of my life. But even then I wasn’t ready for the purpose to come from what had just took place. I had to go through more darkness before I could fully come to the light. But that’s how patient and graceful our Lord and Savior truly is. And everything I experienced only led me closer to my surrender and is used for the purpose I serve today. Multiple trips to rehab, hospital visits to the psych ward, jail sentence, and even open heart surgery from IV drug use. Today, I am a child of God, a follower of Christ, a leader to the youth at my church, counsel at an addiction treatment center, and published a book of testimonial poetry. It still doesn’t make any sense. The life that I live today, and honestly I don’t want it to, ever. It’s only by the grace of God. A beautiful gift from the Lord. Surrender is truly the way to life. One thing I learned from it all is that are true identity and purpose in this life is only found in one place. And that place is not necessarily a place but a person. Christ. My friend Brian knew I was meant for more even when I didn’t. And he didn’t hold any punches when letting me know about it. At the time it hurt to hear those tough blows of truth from him. They were bitter at first, but now what came from them sure is sweet. And my love for him as a brother and friend has only grown deeper. He’s not a distant memory. He is with me, and we are in this together. I pray that this website is a blessing and brings hope to those who need it most. The best is yet to come. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. 

What We Offer.

We offer prayer. Light, hope and encouragement. A place to share your struggle and pain. A place to relate and connect. We also offer information such as contacts for behavioral health hospitals, treatment centers, and sober living homes as well as contacts to local recovery communities with people who have had similar struggles that may be willing to assist in any way they possibly can.